Hey Shanae

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Starting My Fitness Journey

Hey, my loves!

This Summer has been quite a roller coaster thus far and with everything going on, I’ve been slacking on my health and fitness. A big no no for maintaining Boss Babe vibes. If you are like me, then you spend a lot of time and energy helping others and putting in that work. But note to self: one cannot pour from an empty cup. It is important to take care of ourselves. Now I know some of you are thinking, “I don’t have time for that. That’s a bit selfish and narcissistic. I feel kind of guilty saying I’m going to take care of myself.” The thing is, taking care of yourself doesn’t have to mean me first. It could also mean me too. So, here I am. Making myself a priority, and filling up my cup.

The Workout

I love a good workout! Guided exercise classes, Zumba, Taekwondo, Weight Lifting, Gym memberships. I’ve tried them all. I must admit, it is fun mixing up your routine a bit in order to stay interested in exercising. Every couple of months it’s okay to switch up your exercise routine. Learn a new skill, and have fun during the process. I have a decent set up at home consisting of: resistance bands, a yoga mat, ankle weights, free weights, I Am affirmation cards, and a jumprope. Also, Youtube has many free guided workouts that will have your heart pumping in no time.

The Mental Aspect

Journaling and yoga have been a part of my life for a while now. Once we all had to spend a significant amount of time indoors, I decided to take on meditation. FYI it’s a game changer. There is a reason why meditation has become such a trending topic recently. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, meditation has increased more than threefold over the last five years in the United States. Times are hard! Journaling, stretching, meditating, and praying are all ways I will be mentally getting back on track.

The Meal Plan

You can’t live a full life on an empty stomach. I have been on strict diet plans in the past and lemme tell you, there are other options! My twenties taught me that it is okay to be a foodie. I won’t be limiting myself to a specific food group. This time around, I’m watching my calories in a healthy way. Here’s how:

Calories matter. Whether you aim to gain weight or lose weight, they matter. My husbae is currently trying to gain more weight, so his caloric intake has increased. I’ll be watching to ensure my calorie intake is less than the amount I burn throughout the day. I plan on sticking to a very clean diet, but I won’t say no to fire coal pizza and a glass of wine at the best pizza place around town. It’s called balance, Boss Babes.

The Schedule

Right off the bat I plan on fitting in at least 30 minutes of movement into my daily schedule. I’ll alternate between walking, pilates, and yoga. My next goal is to get in a proper workout session at least 3 times a week. I’ll split the three days into full-body, upper body, and lower body.

The Motivation

Let’s be real, the motivation isn’t always going to be there, but the goal will be. The thing is to focus. Why do I want to be healthier? Why do I want to be fit? What is my end goal? What is truly stopping me from living a healthier happier lifestyle? Find what drives you. Write down your why. I want to live a healthier happy lifestyle and take the utmost care of my body. I also have PCOS and lately I have been wanting to make some changes to my lifestyle in order to be the best version of me.

The Bottom Line

Bottom line is, I’ll be buying some cute workout clothes. Haha, jokes! Being on a fitness and health journey doesn’t have to break the bank. The journey starts simply with you. Going for a walk or stretching while you binge watch Netflix. I want my journey to be an uplifting experience. I’ll be focusing on:

  • workouts

  • my mental

  • what I eat

  • my schedule

  • staying motivated

If you feel like joining me on this fitness experience, let me know in the comments below! What are some other tips and ways to get on a fitness / health journey?

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