Hey Shanae

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20 Ways to Rejuvenate the Mind Body and Soul

Grounded, soothed, realigned. That’s what I pay attention to when seeking out self-care rituals. I want to focus on what makes me feel simmered and serene. I’m the type of person to just keep working. Busy Bee Vibes. Being productive makes my day! As important as being productive is, I’m learning that taking care of my mind, body, and soul, is crucial for my sanity. After a very long time and what feels like one million experimentations later, I’ve conjured up this list of self-care ideas for the mind, body, and soul.


Meditate (If you aren’t sure how to get started, find a guided meditation to follow along with.)

Grab some chalk and get creative on the sidewalk or driveway

Declutter the bedroom and spice it up

Read for 20 minutes everyday

Accomplish a small goal

Brain Dump | Journal

Limit Screen Time

Do a media detox

Self-care is about loving and respecting yourself. It’s about finding what makes you feel grounded and at peace. It is taking care of yourself mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. I’m learning more and more every day how to really appreciate myself . You have to realize that you’re worthy of your own love . That’s step one to this whole self-care thing. Knowing you’re important.

You matter.

Let me know in the comments how you’ve been implementing self care into your lifestyle.